Rejo Zenger wrote:
> ++ 04/04/15 11:54 -0700 - Kevin J. McCarthy:
> >However, I'm a little nervous to take away the prompt from everyone.  It
> >would be great if other crypt-hook users could chime in here.  Is the
> >prompt universally annoying?  Is this worth an option?
> If you are asking me, most definately yes. And, I am pretty sure I'm not the
> only one: <>.

The above patch looks pretty straightforward: it adds a boolean
$crypt_confirmhook, that if unset turns off prompts for the crypt-hooks.

Another option could be something like: $crypt_use_hooks as a
  - yes means all crypt-hooks are used without prompting
  - ask-yes/ask-no prompt for each hook
  - no disables all crypt-hooks.
This could provide a way to disable the crypt-hooks in certain
circumstances.  I don't know if something like that is useful or is


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