On 2014-07-09, Derek Martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 02:48:07AM +0000, Dave Kuhlman wrote:
>> My email server is in a different timezone from where I am.
>> How do I tell mutt to use my local timezone when sending an email? And, how 
>> do I tell mutt what my local timezone is?
> You don't... your system does that via its time configuration.

You're assuming that the system's timezone and his local timezone are
the same.  That's not always true.  Some of the machines on which I
sometimes use mutt are in the US/Eastern zone, but my local timezone
is US/Central.  [When I'm using thse machines, I generally don't
bother trying to change the timezone.]

> So as long as your system's time (and timezone) are configured
> properly Mutt is already using it.

He doesn't want to use the system's timezone.  He wants to use his
local timezone.

Changing the TZ environment variable to match his local timezone
should work (modulo possibly broken libraries that don't handle the
case where a user's timezone and the system's timezone are different).

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! This ASEXUAL PIG
                                  at               really BOILS my BLOOD
                              gmail.com            ... He's so ... so
                                                   ... URGENT!!

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