* On 23 May 2014, Guy Gold wrote: > > That, pretty much, is what I'm trying to get to, only reversed, > with the newest message, on the bottom. I wonder if other parts > of my .muttrc breaking it.
For threading, you need sort=threads. Sort_aux is the only variable. Reverse- and last- are modulation prefixes. Your base sort param is either date or date-received. (I use date-received because I don't trust people's sending MUAs to set an accurate date, and messages often wind up hours or days "behind" in my inbox.) With sort=threads, sort_aux controls the order of threads. Order of messages within threads cannot be altered. Prepend reverse- to invert the thread sort order, making newer threads appear earlier instead of later. "Newer" normally means "with a more recent anchor/base message". Prepend last- to make "newer" mean "more recently updated." Sort_aux=last-date-received will put the threads in chronological order, with the most recently updated threads (i.e. those with the newest messages in the thread) later in the sort. -- David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us