On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 07:51:27PM +0800, Esther Carillo wrote:
> Hello mutt.user,
> You have probably heard this question so many times you're bored of it,
> tonight my Google Fu is letting me down.
> See http://paste.debian.net/82890/ for my muttrc and two files I use to
> store the IMAP/SMTP details for each of the two yahoo accounts.
> The problem is I can't swap between accounts using 'c', I believe this is
> because both accounts are using the same IMAP URL so mutt is unable to
> distinguish between the two!?
> All the tutorials and documentation I see only conveniently use two
> different domains, @personal.com and @work.com.
> So I'm new to Linux and Mutt and am getting nowhere with this hope someone
> can help.


If your hypothesis is correct and you can't switch because both accounts share
the same server name, you could try to explictly logout when you press 'c'. to
do this, you could do:

bind pager c <noop> #unbinds the normal operation of the key 'c'
macro pager c "<imap-logout-all><change-folder>" "your choice of help comment".

I'm not too well versed on binding and macros, so if the rest of the list
catches an error, I'm sure I'll get corrected.

Eduardo Alvarez

"Stercus, Stercus, Stercus, moriturus sum"
  -- Rincewind The Wizzard

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