On 04.01.14 19:35, Ulrich Lauther wrote: > Recent posts made me aware of the fact, that mutt supports SMPT. > So far I have been using postfix for mail transport. > Which way is better, and why?
If it's true that mutt fails if you try to send an email when off-line, then that does seem definitive. It is several years since I moved from sendmail to postfix as MTA, and I found the postfix ML very helpful for one or two initial issues. (I'd rather ask most email questions there than on an MUA ML.) After doing it for more than a quarter of a century, I can't see any reason not to run an MTA locally. As for incoming mail, I use fetchmail and procmail, so that mutt only handles a dozen delivery mailboxes and a bit over a thousand mailboxes of sorted mail. Erik -- You can't have everything. Where would you put it? - Steven Wright