On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 02:23:31PM +0100, Richard Z wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 04:48:18PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > On 2014-01-04, Ulrich Lauther <ulrich.laut...@t-online.de> wrote:
> > Do you need/want outbound messages to be queued if they can't be sent
> > immediately?   If yes, then you need a "real" MTA like postfix.
> not really. msmtp and esmtp have queueing.
> > Do all outbound messages get sent to a single relay host for routing? 
> > If no, then you need a "real" MTA.
> more precisely if you need direct delivery as opposed to using one or 
> several smarthosts.
> On the other hand, each of bultin mutt, mstmp and esmtp provide support for 
> several smarthosts much easier than real MTAs.

Actually, for sake of argument, both msmtp and esmtp qualifies as MTA
- in contrast to mutt. However they could probably be labeled as
  relay(-only) MTAs, compared to postfix, sendmail, EXIM, qmail and
the like.

Noones arguing against using [me]smtp as the "real MTA" in this
scenario :-)

-- kchr

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