On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:
> On 19Dec2013 15:34, Chris Down <ch...@chrisdown.name> wrote:
>> On 2013-12-19 08:18:07 +0100, Pau wrote:
>> > Actually, I think that the <> are not very much relevant.
>> They are required by the spec, I believe (disclaimer: I haven't read the
>> relevant RFC in years, maybe I'm wrong).
> I've read it. Like you, not in full for years either, but yes: the
> brackets <> _are_ required (in the variety Pau is using).
> Valid forms tend to be:
>   Full Name <f...@somewhere.com>
>   (Full Name) fred@somewhere
>   fred@somewhere
> I have a strong preference for the first.
> --
> Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
> I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking
> them.   - Jane Austen

Dear all,

thanks for your time.

Unfortunately errare humanum est, and I made a very embarrassing mistake.

I can confirm now that

alias shortname Real Name Displayed r...@name.edu
alias shortname (Real Name Displayed) r...@name.edu
alias shortname Real Name Displayed <r...@name.edu>
alias shortname (Real Name Displayed) <r...@name.edu>

work all just fine.

My stupid mistake was to add the alias as gmail.com, while the user
has changed it back to googlemail.com

So, mutt was right. It did not find the user in the address book and
defaulted to the information provided by the user.

Thanks again.

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