On 19Dec2013 19:07, I wrote:
> On 18Dec2013 20:46, Chris Down <ch...@chrisdown.name> wrote:
> > On 2013-12-18 13:38:27 +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > > Is there some config example about how to fetch with fetchmail or mutt,
> > > some mails (2000) from my IMAP server to a local mbox, but without using
> > > a local MTA, as fetchmail normaly does? Or is this even possible with
> > > mutt itself (ofc with marking 2000 mails and after this storing them to
> > > a local folder);
> > 
> > If I understood you correctly, take a look at offlineimap[0],
> > mailsync[1], or isync[2] (disclaimer: I have not used any except for
> > offlineimap, and that was a long time ago).
> > 
> > 0: http://offlineimap.org/
> > 1: http://mailsync.sourceforge.net/
> > 2: http://isync.sourceforge.net/
> Or, you could just use mutt as he asked.

Sorry, the tone off that came out badly.

All the above tools seem to help people (though I've spent long and
long beating my head against offlineimap, may of whose issues are
probably related to IMAP server weirdness) but require "config".

Mutt is already there , and can be told to do it off the bat.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

Success in software development depends on making a carefully planned
series of small mistakes in order to avoid making unplanned large
mistakes.       - Steve McConnell, _Software Project Survival Guide_

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