On 18Dec2013 20:46, Chris Down <ch...@chrisdown.name> wrote:
> On 2013-12-18 13:38:27 +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > Is there some config example about how to fetch with fetchmail or mutt,
> > some mails (2000) from my IMAP server to a local mbox, but without using
> > a local MTA, as fetchmail normaly does? Or is this even possible with
> > mutt itself (ofc with marking 2000 mails and after this storing them to
> > a local folder);
> If I understood you correctly, take a look at offlineimap[0],
> mailsync[1], or isync[2] (disclaimer: I have not used any except for
> offlineimap, and that was a long time ago).
> 0: http://offlineimap.org/
> 1: http://mailsync.sourceforge.net/
> 2: http://isync.sourceforge.net/

Or, you could just use mutt as he asked.

Invoke mutt pointed at the IMAP server and push the required keystrokes
to tag every message and then save tagged messages to a local folder.

Easy peasey.

To help you on your way, here is my mutt invocation from my "mboxify"
script which packs up a Maildir folder into an mbox folder (I use
it for archiving active folders):

  mutt -n -F /dev/null -f "$mailbox" -e "set sort=mailbox-order; set 
confirmappend=no; set delete=yes; push 

For your purposes you would set $mailbox to the IMAP server and
$mailboxtmp to the local folder (full file pathname to a local
folder, to be unambiguous).

Adapt to suit. Feel free to ask questions.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

It looked good-natured, she thought;  Still it had very long claws and a
great many teeth, so she felt it ought to be treated with respect.

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