On 2013-11-17 11:25, Chris Bannister wrote:
On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 07:12:59PM +0100, Martin Vegter wrote:
Dear list,

I have just installed mutt, and I am little bit confused. I can see
my received emails, but I am not able to "switch" to my sent emails
folder. Is this the way mutt is supposed to work (only reading
received emails)?

You can set the sent directory. I think there is a default /~/sent(?)
Have a look in the documentation. ... ahh ... for the 'set record'

thanks, I have the sent folder set up already.

    set mbox_type=Maildir

    set    folder="~/.mail/"
    set      mbox="~/.mail/"
    set spoolfile="~/.mail/inbox/"
    set    record="~/.mail/sent"
    set postponed="~/.mail/drafts"

The problem is how to access it from mutt (how to see my sent emails). The only solution I could find is to exit mutt, and start it with

    mutt -f .mail/sent/

Otherwise, when I start mutt normally, I can only see my inbox (received emails), but I don't know how to switch to sent folders.

Another question I would like to ask is: I have now three folders: inbox, sent, drafts (as definded above). I would like to have another folder "archive", where I could save my emails. (instead of keeping everything in inbox). But AFAIK, "archive" is not defined in mutt. What would be the best way to do it (preferably including a key-binding, so that I could move messages from inbox to archive)?

many thanks,

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