On Mo, 09 Sep 2013, David Champion wrote:

> I confess I haven't dug my way through the entire debate on this, but so
> far I've seen argument along lines of: is it a necessary feature? if it
> is necessary, is it necessary to be supported in mutt per se, or can it
> be done externally?
> I haven't seen any discussion of what use models it would harm to
> support this in mutt.  Does anyone have an argument against?
> Lacking that, I would say that if someone submits a good patch it should
> be considered.  To me it's a good enhancement request.

I know almost nothing about the mutt code base, but I figured, it would 
be better to start working with the code, then continue this discussion. 

So here is a basic patch, that seems to work for me. I hope this will be 
more valuable than to continue with  this endless discussion.

The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of an expanding bureaucracy.
--- send.c	2010-09-13 19:19:55.000000000 +0200
+++ send.c.new	2013-09-09 22:25:49.177397477 +0200
@@ -1543,6 +1543,23 @@
       if (msg->content->next)
 	msg->content = mutt_make_multipart (msg->content);
+      if (WithCrypto)
+      {
+	if (msg->security)  
+	{
+	  if ((crypt_get_keys (msg, &pgpkeylist) == -1) ||
+	      mutt_protect (msg, pgpkeylist) == -1)
+	   {
+	    msg->content = mutt_remove_multipart (msg->content);
+	    FREE (&pgpkeylist);
+	    decode_descriptions (msg->content);
+	    goto main_loop;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
        * make sure the message is written to the right part of a maildir 
        * postponed folder.

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