On Monday 24 Jun 2013 09:43:53 John Long wrote:
> Since nobody said anything yet, it seems like this is related to IMAP and
> Mutt's design.  I use POP when possible since it doesn't query the server
> until you tell it to. You won't see new messages that way but it also
> doesn't get affected by the speed of the IMAP server and the connection
> until you fetch mail.
> If you have many mails are you using the cache setting in .mutt?

I have more than 30,000 messages on a gmail IMAP account and even with caching 
it takes minutes for mutt to download and evaluate the headers each time I 
connect to the server.  I have posted about this problem when I was trying to 
troubleshoot it recently.

In contrast, local folders with 10,000+ messages load in a second or two.

Other IMAP accounts with just a few hundreds of messages load up within a 
couple of seconds.

It may be my lack of knowledge with mutt that has produced this latency, but 
having spent a week tweaking my configuration I did not see any improvement.  

The OP circumstances may be different.


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