Since nobody said anything yet, it seems like this is related to IMAP and
Mutt's design.  I use POP when possible since it doesn't query the server
until you tell it to. You won't see new messages that way but it also
doesn't get affected by the speed of the IMAP server and the connection
until you fetch mail.

If you have many mails are you using the cache setting in .mutt?

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 06:43:25AM +0100, Nigel Green wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've used Mutt for a while now and never had any issues with
> performance, but my latest install feels really laggy. On an index
> screen there's a gap of half a second or so between hitting a key and
> the cursor moving, which means I've had loads of trouble with
> selecting messages, etc.
> My latest install is on a Crunchbang GNU/Linux system, running Mutt
> 1.5.21.
> Thanks,
> Nigel

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