On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 10:21:49AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> [05-07-13 09:55]:
> > I currently use mairix to search through my mutt mail, it's OK but has a
> > couple of disadvantages:-
> I use mairix, also
> >     It's word oriented so one can't search for anything that it doesn't
> >     recognise as a word, I'd really prefer REs or something like.
> REs would be preferable but it does provide "fuzzy" searchs
Yes, I've used them occasionally, doesn't help with non alpha/number
strings though.

> >     It 'finds' the relevant messages by copying them to a new folder,
> >     sometimes this is OK but other times I want to know where the
> >     original E-Mail is.
> Look at the headers, it provides the location of "found" objects.
Oh, I hadn't noticed that, thanks.  I need to make that 
X-source-folder: visible!

Chris Green

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