=- David Woodfall wrote on Mon 6.May'13 at 13:04:38 +0100 -= > >I have: > > > >set folder=imaps://blackswan/ > >folder-hook bleah "source ~/.mutt/bleah" > > > > > >blackswan being the dovecot server hostname. > >.mutt/bleah contains: > > > >set from="me <m...@myemail.com>" > >set sendmail="/usr/bin/sendmail" > > > >The folder-hook isn't working and I've tried every combination of bleah > >=bleah/ bleah/ etc that I can think of. Been googling for a while and > >still not found out why it's not working. > > > >Any help greatly appreciated. > > > >Thanks > > Strangely my: > > folder-hook =Sent/ 'set index_format="%3C %Z %[!%d/%m/%y] %-20.20t%s"' > > works just fine...
Why trailing '/'? Perhaps 'bleah' isn't specific enough, give a real example of muttrc config-line (folder-hook) and change-folder path. Put the 'set index_format' into the file, too, does still work then? Maybe conflicting hooks overriding each other. Try DebugConfig on wiki. -- © Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal! EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude. You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.