On (06/05/13 12:55), David Woodfall <d...@thebigvoid.org> put forth the 

I seem to be having a problem with folder-hook.

I have:

set folder=imaps://blackswan/
set spoolfile=imaps://blackswan/
folder-hook bleah "source ~/.mutt/bleah"

blackswan being the dovecot server hostname.
.mutt/bleah contains:

set from="me <m...@myemail.com>"
set sendmail="/usr/bin/sendmail"

The folder-hook isn't working and I've tried every combination of bleah =bleah/ bleah/ etc that I can think of. Been googling for a while and still not found out why it's not working.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Strangely my:

folder-hook =Sent/ 'set index_format="%3C %Z %[!%d/%m/%y] %-20.20t%s"'

works just fine...

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