................Wed 10.Apr'13 at 14:25:10 +0000 Grant Edwards................
> On 2013-04-10, James Griffin <j...@kontrol.kode5.net> wrote:
> > Well, yes I do have an archiving system but really i'm only interested
> > in keeping my University mail and a few interesting mails from mailing
> > lists that I know i will want to refer back to but I ensure the mail I
> > want to keep is flagged and archived monthly (usually) and so keeps my
> > current mailbox usage free from large amounts of it.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "current mailbox usage", but we're not
> talking about keeping thousands of e-mails in an inbox.  Google's All
> Mail "folder" is an archive, not a mailbox that you actually use
> regularly.
Current mailbox usage in terms of the mailboxes I use, as opposed to
those I don't; such as the spam mailbox or archives.

> > I recall someone mentioned they have the best part of 200,000 emails.
> > For me, I can't imagine why I would want to keep a large number like
> > that.
> >
> > I am sure people have perfectly valid reasons for keeping such large
> > amount, it was just out of curiosity.
> Because it's less work to "keep" them.  On most all Gmail clients the
> "delete" operation just removes a message from the current folder
> (e.g. the inbox).  It's still in the All Mail folder.  Remember: with
> Gmail's IMAP server, a message can exist in multiple folders
> simultaneously. The iOS mail client doesn't even _have_ a delete
> button when used with Gmail accounts -- all it has is an "Archive"
> button.
Fair enough. If you don't want to bother deleting messages then fine,
perfectly valid reason.

> Permanently deleting something so it doesn't show up in "All Mail"
> requires several extra steps, and there's just no point in going to
> the extra effort.
Again, fair enough. Your choice. 

> I mainly use mutt.  When using mutt hitting 'd' in my Gmail "inbox"
> and then quitting or hitting '$' removes the message from the inbox.
> It still shows up in the 'All Mail' folder.  It takes several extra
> steps to delete it from 'All Mail'.  Why should I do that extra work?
> What do I gain?  Having that message sitting in All Mail doesn't cost
> me anything, and there have been several times when I deleted something
> and later needed it.  Fortunately, it was still there in the All Mail
> archive.

When using mutt with gmail imap and having these number of mails slows
it up, uses more bandwidth, etc. Until I had a limit on the data I
download and upload, around ~80G so for me it would have been worth
removing unwanted email as I would be charged for extra data
down/uploaded. And avoids the performance issues.

As I don't use gmail imap, rather i have my mail forwarded to my sever I
don't experience the slow performance fortunately.

As I said, I was just curious to know why one would want to keep such
large numbers of email. So thanks, it's merely a case of not wanting be
bothered with the extra steps required to delete old mail.

James Griffin:  jmz at kontrol.kode5.net 
                                jmzgriffin at gmail.com

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