On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 06:27:42AM -0500, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> HTML email is sent exclusively by three groups of people:
> 1. Ignorant newbies
> 2. Ineducable morons
> 3. Spammers
> There are no exceptions.  

This statement is complete and utter crap.  I receive HTML mail
regularly from colleagues, family, and friends, most of whom are none
of the above.  I would estimate that about 25% of the e-mail I receive
at work is now HTML mail.  HTML provides all of the features that
people IN THIS THREAD have been complaining are lacking in plain text
e-mail, and it does so very effectively, when used judiciously.  

I myself am none of the three, and in particular I've managed e-mail
for myself and for others for the past 18 years.  I've used Mutt since
about 1999 and I've been on the mutt mailing lists continuously since
then.  While I still tend to favor plain text e-mail for most things,
especially mailing list posts, frankly I would personally much rather
see actual italicised or bolded text than things like "*this* *should*
*be* *bold*" in an e-mail message, and properly formatted tables when
that is called for; and HTML gives you all of that very effectively.
There are three problems with HTML *in practice* which are legitimate
but completely solvable (and partially solved already by reasonable
mail clients that support HTML), and not inherent to the format.

Damning the format for implementation problems, or because you don't
like the content of many of the messages you receive in that format,
is the exact opposite of enlightened.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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