On 2012-11-27, Jamie Paul Griffin <ja...@kode5.net> wrote:
> I'm sorry but you've lost me again :-) - both of you

There are two kinds of people:

  1) Those who oppose ambiguity
  2) Those who are wrong

Now those who oppose ambiguity want quotes to be trimmed, with a
direct reply underneath so there is no ambiguity on which comment the
response addresses.  Those who oppose ambiguity also want unambiguous
EOLs, so the end of a line cannot be confused with an authors
misguided attempt to use the EOL as a crutch for a poor rendering

Those in group 2 expect the readers to do the work -- they want the
reader to deal with figuring out what reply references what comment,
and guess about where lines need to (re)wrap, and where line breaks
should be honored.

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