On 2012-11-24, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> [11-24-12 15:09]:
>> On 11/24/12 12:49 PM, Derek Martin wrote:
>> >The convention for e-mail is 72 characters.
>> No. That was the convention. Currently, I don't believe there is one,
>> "convention" in this case meaning the predominant or prevailing practice.
> no, convention is: standard, standard behavior, standard usage,
>                    time-honored practice, tradition, collective agreement

By that rationale horseback is the convention for commuting to work.
Very traditional and "time-honored" much longer than cars and public
transport.  I suspect more humans have ridden beasts than machines
even counting every driver today.

It's the very recent history that matters here.

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