On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 05:04:38PM -0600, Jim Graham wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 09:47:46PM +0000, Tony's unattended mail wrote:
> > BTW, sending a variable width format allows for 72 character
> > rendering, so these dated ergonomics studies are not at odds with an
> > unwrapped source text anyway.
> Two questions about variable width fonts, then....

Stop right there...  reread what he said.  We're not talking about
variable width *fonts* -- we're talking about variable width
*formats*, like flowed formatting.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  This problem is
(currently) best solved by HTML.  It's the only way to format mail
that's both generally available and  lets you flow "normal" paragraphs
while specifying that particular other content should not be flowed.
Except it doesn't *really* solve the problem, because you still have
ignorant users who don't take the time to use it properly... i.e. no
matter how good the solution is on the technical side, the human
factors still crap all over you.

That said, THIS is where the argument that Mutt is outdated is spot
on.  It's handling of HTML is crap, and probably needs to be due to
its design.  If you want the appearance of seamlessly integrated HTML
mail, it can do (only) OK at *reading* HTML mail, by passing it
off to a console-based web browser.  Or, it can pass it off to a GUI
web browser, in which the mail will generally look as the author
intended it to.  That doesn't work so well if you're reading your mail
locally on the server over a dodgy SSH connection, and horribly breaks
the illusion that Mutt is a fully integrated e-mail solution.  But
it's mostly fine.

However, replying to HTML mail is a mostly awful experience, though it
can work out kind of ok if you're willing to spend some time playing
with the various console-based web browsers and tweaking the mailcap
entries.  Generating HTML mail reasonably is just plain not possible.
It can be done but it's a hack, and the user experience is what you
would expect from a hack.

If 1.6 ever gets released, IMO the "next big thing" mutt needs to
continue to be relevant is integrated HTML mail support.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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