On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 01:45:42AM +0100, Andre Kl?rner wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 05:04:38PM -0600, Jim Graham wrote:
> > Two questions about variable width fonts, then....
> > 
> > First, how does Mutt do with variable width fonts?  I gather that it does
> > handle them, but how?  My version (1.5.21, according to "mutt -v")
> Well, as mutt is a CLI application it doesn't care about what font is in
> use anyway as this is the task of the tool that displays the output.
> So in most cases I have seen the terminal that renders the fonts is putting
> each character in a cell, so you get no benefit from using a variable width
> font, despite that it looks ugly in most cases. So I have come to the
> conclusion that a perfect monospaced font like Terminus provides the best
> UI that one can achieve.

Ok, but if variable width is such a good thing, using the twisted logic
that's been posted in this thread, every possible environment either
supports it or it's crap...right?  So it should even be supported by
Mutt on a VT-100 terminal.  Right?  Oh, wait, the old VT-100 terminals
do suck.  Never mind.

But you still haven't answered the other part:  how does the MUA or
terminal keep plain test that is meant by the sender to be aligned
as he/she typed it?  That was a part of the question that needs an
answer, as it MUST be handled properly or it's broken.  So how IS
that done?


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