On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 05:51:40PM -0600, Derek Martin wrote:

> Top posting almost invariably requires me to re-read WAY more of the
> previous thread than I would have had to if the user posted in line
> and trimmed quoted text appropriately.  And on top of that, you have
> to read, in chunks, BACKWARD.  You call that efficient?  

Why bother?  I hit (r)eply (or (L)ist reply when applicable), and delete
everything below the sender's signature.  If the sender's text is
something like, "Do you agree?"  My response would then be, "With what?"

And, of course, my response is inline, not top-posted.  The only time
I DO top-post is if I'm forwarding a message (usually NHC advisories to
local friends who don't subscribe to WX-ATLAN or the NHC's list) if
there's a potential threat in the near future.  I'll type something like,

"See forwarded advisory below.  Don't take your eyes off of this until
we're clear."

> > Similarly, quoting the entire thread is preferred, so you can refer
> > back to earlier parts of the discussion without having to dig up older
> > messages. 

I've seen examples of people doing much worse....  I used to be on the
digest version of the Android Developers list.  I saw numerous posts by
others who quoted the ENTIRE DIGEST and either top or bottom posted.
And they inevitably used the digest's subject (something like,
"Android developers list digest for 20-Novebmer-2012."  I also see
posts with this subject (well, the real digest subject. not my
close-enough approximation) in the list.  I delete them long before
I find out whether they were among those posting the whole list (in
other words, see that as the subject line, delete first, and don't
bother to think about it later).


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        MiSTie #49997  < Running Mac OS X Lion >
spooky1...@gmail.com ICBM/Hurricane: 30.44406N 86.59909W

      "'Wrong' is one of those concepts that depends on witnesses."
     --Catbert:  Evil Director of Human Resources (Dilbert, 05Nov09)

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