On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 10:19:25PM +0000, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote: > My first response to Chris when he raised the issue stated that I would > happily adjust the setting for vi, on invocation from mutt, to address the > issue. Chris kindly responded with a muttrc tip. I have no problem at all > with line wrapping my emails for the users of this list if it is causing them > readability issues. I like this list very much, using it and contributing to > it, so the last thing i want is to upset or irritate fellow users over such a > matter. > > My confusion is simply due to the fact that when my emails come > through from mutt's mailing list manager to my server and I read them > with mutt, I don't experience the readability issues others seem to. > It's not something that has been pointed out to me on other lists or > other people I communicate with by email either.
this is how it looks in my mutt when your emails come in: http://img.kitchen.io/mutt-line-wrapping.png and this is what it looks like when I go to reply (I use vim) http://img.kitchen.io/mutt-line-wrap-reply.png now, since I'm super anal about my own line wrapping, I reformat your paragraph with vim's 'gq' function (as I have done) I do prefer when people use sane text-width for their emails, but it doesn't make anything *unreadable* for me. I just move on. If it was actually unreadable, I would do one of 2 things: 1. reformat it myself so I can read it. 2. not read it. There are certain things which annoy me, like top posting rather than inline, and bottom posting without trimming (which is actually worse than top posting, imo, because it makes me have to scroll clear to the bottom of the message) which I do harp on people about on mailing lists, but things like line length are a minor annoyance and only so because I'm anal. "Be strict in what you send, but tolerant in what you receive." Really my main gripes about the current state of internet mail is the abandonment of threads. "Conversation view" is not a thread. I don't use most forum software for the same reason, because if I'm on page 27 of a forum "thread" and someone adds a post which is replying to something on page 4, there's no way to cross-reference it, and it drives me insane. "group by subject" makes me want to kill. It has its uses, but for human-generated threads with proper mail clients, it is unnecessary. Anywho, </rant> Oh, then there are those people who pgp sign their emails. There's a special place in hell reserved for them ;-) -Jeremy -- .O. Jeremy Kitchen (o_ ..O kitc...@kitchen.io //\ OOO twitter.com/kitchen V_/_
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