On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 11:48:02AM -0500, Derek wrote in <20121020164802.gb17...@dragontoe.org>:
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 01:47:44PM -0500, David Champion wrote:

Thanks David!  As usual, you are the man!

On a side note, not too long ago some mailing list members pointed out
that my GPG signature wasn't verifying properly for them (whereas for
others, it was working fine).  I was just monkeying around with my GPG
options, and I wonder if that's still happening.  I think I may have
figured it out, but I'd love some confirmation.  Specifically, if it's
failing for you, I'd like to know.  I post from an invalid address, so
you could reply on list, or if you think that's bad netiquette you
could e-mail me at the "dragontoe" address associated with my GPG key

I think I was one of the persons having this issue with your posts. For what it is worth, the signature to the email I reply to does not validate, but the signature on the message starting this thread did.


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Description: PGP signature

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