Hi all,

Recently I've been growing increasingly annoyed (at work mainly,
though I've never been a fan generally) with mailing lists which put
[mailinglist name] in the subject line.  At work we often get threads
which end up bouncing around as many as a half-dozen such lists, which
results in subject lines like:

  Subject: [my-list] [some-unglodly-long-list] [foo-list] [some-other-list] 
Here's the detail I actuall care about

...which of course is too long to be able to see the actual subject of
the message in Mutt, in any reasonably-sized terminal window.  So what
I'm looking for, IN THE INDEX ONLY, is a way to strip out all that
junk being displayed, without actually removing it from the message.
It is, unfortunately, still useful to be able to see which mailing
lists have seen the thread[*].

Can Mutt do this?

[*] In general I'd prefer that mailing lists not prefix the subject
line in this fashion, and I always raise that issue on mailing lists
that do so.  That said, when the info is available, it is actually
useful in some instances.  Though, not generally for internet lists,
which typically don't cross post.  In those cases, it's just as easy
(and better, since it doesn't pollute other fields) to get the info
from other headers.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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