On 2012-09-25, Jamie Paul Griffin <ja...@kode5.net> wrote:
> [ Ian Barton wrote on Tue 25.Sep'12 at  7:04:39 +0100 ]
>> On 24/09/12 18:52, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
>> Thanks for the information. I'll go  back to using the smtp server on my 
>> Linode box. The reason I switched was I was having problems delivering 
>> to some, but not all, bt.com addresses. There were no errors in my 
>> mail.log, but some recipients weren't receiving email. Like you I want 
>> to be able to set my From and envelope address without having to perform 
>> silly tricks.
> Has your ISP provided a static IP for you? I have that set up with
> mine, and just use my local MTA to send messages rather than relaying
> them through other smtp servers. If your using a dynamic IP at home
> then this could explain why some bt.com addesses have not delivered,
> or rather been seen as spam. 

Som recipients not only require a static address, but they require an
MX record for the envelope from that matches up with the static address.

Even with a static IP address and an MX record, I still wasn't able to
send mail directly to some recipients because the MX record for the
domain in the message From: header didn't match up with the static IP.

I finally had to give up sending e-mail direct and went through the
mail server provided by my ISP and/or mail provider.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I like the way ONLY
                                  at               their mouths move ...  They
                              gmail.com            look like DYING OYSTERS

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