[ Lewis Pike wrote on Mon 17.Sep'12 at 16:52:41 -0400 ]

> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 09:41:59PM +0100, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> > [ Lewis Pike wrote on Mon 17.Sep'12 at 16:33:53 -0400 ]
> > > If anyone has a alternative solution that could also meet my needs,
> > > I'd love to hear about it.
> > 
> > Not knowing about the environment you have set up but I personally
> > have my Gmail email forwarded to my local machine by smtp. Other
> > solutions could include offlineimap, fetchmail perhaps. But it seems
> > you would like to keep using the IMAP protocol to read mail so those
> > options may not be of use to you.
> I'm certainly not set on IMAP if something else can do the trick.  I'm
> also not opposed to storing my mails locally if need be.  Setting up
> my own SMTP and forwarding to that might be interesting exercise.
> With your particular setup is mutt updated on receipt of new emails in
> near-realtime or do you have to periodically poll for them?
> -- Lewis

Well my set up is I have my own domain and have set up DNS with a static IP and 
run a local MTA. I then used the Gmail web interface to forward email to a 
local account, i.e. the address I'm posting from. I then simply have my Gmail 
address as one of my $alternates and use $reverse_reply so I receive Gmail 
instantaneously (almost) and deal with it locally. 

I personally prefer not to use IMAP with mutt, other people no doubt prefer it 
or have no other option available for whatever reason.

Programs like offlineimap and fetchmail will poll IMAP and/or POP servers 
periodically. The former does not require a local MTA; fetchmail can be used 
with a local MTA for delivery or an MDA like procmail. Sending mail will 
require a local sendmail binary of some form, either with a local MTA or 
something like msmtp, ssmtp, etc..

If I were not able to use a personal domain, etc., I would probably go for 
offlineimap which stores/syncs mail locally into Maildirs which when used with 
mutt is fast. It also syncs the remote IMAP server with changes you've made 
locally, such as the Sent Maildir, etc..

Hope that helps. Other mutt users on the list may be able to provide better 
options for you. 

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