On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:21:52AM -0700, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 09:58:44AM -0400, Lewis Pike wrote:
> > I have recently configured mutt to connect to my gmail via IMAP.
> > This has been working reasonably well but I've found that very
> > occasionally, when I am in the index view, I will suddenly be
> > booted from the current IMAP folder, the list of emails will
> > disappear, and the message "Mailbox closed" will be printed at the
> > bottom of the screen.  This issue seems to occur randomly.
> > 
> > Can anyone explain what is causing this behaviour?  Can I prevent
> > this from happenning?
> gmail is timing out your connection. it's annoying, and you also
> lose any unsynched flags.

I have also noticed that my local changes since the previous sync are
lost, which is annoying indeed.

> While we're at it, gmail also doesn't allow you to modify the
> message on the imap server. This means the break/join thread
> functions don't work, nor does actually editing the message.

I have yet to play around with mutt's break/join thread functions.
Thanks for the advance warning.

Ultimately I want a setup that allows incoming mail to be pushed to
mutt immediately.  Gmail + IMAP + mutt seemed to be the best solution
for the minimum amount of configuration hassle.  As an added bonus, I
don't have to bother storing those reams of mailing list emails
locally and I can still use gmail's web interface in a pinch.
Unfortunately, it sounds like this setup has some problems.

If anyone has a alternative solution that could also meet my needs,
I'd love to hear about it.

-- Lewis

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