* Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> [2012-06-20 07:26:40 +0200]:
El día Tuesday, June 19, 2012 a las 03:00:50PM -0400, Tim Gray escribió:
Not sure if I can help you, but a simple config line works for me with
my SMTP server, when I use it directly from mutt:
set smtp_url="smtp://u...@smtp.example.com:587"
Port 587 on my SMTP server is TLS.
As a side question related to this: is it possible that mutt writes some
kind of log file of sent mail like sendmail does to /var/log/maillog ?
I don't think you can log the actual SMTP session with the builtin MTA
in mutt. I use msmtp to handle everything SMTP and it just takes one
line in my .msmtprc to enable sendmail-like logging:
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
You might want to check it out. mutt, being single-threaded, really
benefits from having an external process working as an MTA.
If you're still keen on using mutt to handle SMTP you may want to take
a look at $record [1], not exactly what you're asking for but it might
[1] http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html#record