On Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:47PM, Morris, Patrick wrote:
> > I have entries in my .muttrc for caching both headers and message
> > bodies.
> > 
> > set header_cache="~/.mutt/headers"
> > set message_cachedir ="~/.mutt/bodies"
> > 
> > Both directories are populated.  The header caching appears to work
> > well
> > when doing searches for 'Subject' or 'From' but searching for text
> > within message bodies (using ~b) causes messages to be downloaded.
> > 
> > Is this normal behavior?  I will say that the directories within
> > ~/.mutt/bodies for each of my mail directories do not appear to have
> > "all" the message id's for messages on the server.
> Sounds pretty normal to me. There's no way to search IMAP messages locally
> if you haven't downloaded them yet.  Headers will be downloaded
> automatically, but unlike with POP, the rest of the message will stay on the
> server undownloaded until you need to retrieve a copy, and you'd need to do
> that to search them.

OK.  Thanks for the clarification.

At a given moment I open my eyes and exist. 
And before that, during all eternity, what was there? 
                 --Ugo Betti
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