> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-mutt-us...@mutt.org [mailto:owner-mutt-us...@mutt.org] On
> Behalf Of Trey Sizemore
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:27 PM
> To: mutt-users@mutt.org
> Subject: Caching body of IMAP messages
> I have entries in my .muttrc for caching both headers and message
> bodies.
> set header_cache="~/.mutt/headers"
> set message_cachedir ="~/.mutt/bodies"
> Both directories are populated.  The header caching appears to work
> well
> when doing searches for 'Subject' or 'From' but searching for text
> within message bodies (using ~b) causes messages to be downloaded.
> Is this normal behavior?  I will say that the directories within
> ~/.mutt/bodies for each of my mail directories do not appear to have
> "all" the message id's for messages on the server.

Sounds pretty normal to me. There's no way to search IMAP messages locally
if you haven't downloaded them yet.  Headers will be downloaded
automatically, but unlike with POP, the rest of the message will stay on the
server undownloaded until you need to retrieve a copy, and you'd need to do
that to search them.

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