* Jostein Gogstad <jostein.gogs...@gmail.com> [06-08-12 09:07]:
> Whenever I send mail to a mailinglist, I don't see my own mail in that mailing
> lists' folder. 

If you are using gmail smtp, gmail has you *original* copy in the "Sent"
folder/virtual-folder/label(???) and the return copy from the list appears
to them to be a "copy" so it does not show. 

I saw the same when I first started using gmail and changed my smtp to my
isp and used the gmail "from" addr and see *all* my mail, ie: list mail,
this way as gmail no longer sees my list posts as duplicates.

> If I remove "subscribe mutt-users@mutt.org" from .muttrc, everything
> works fine.
> Any idea what's wrong?

I don't understand this.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA      HOG # US1244711
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