On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 17:37:42 +0200, Jostein Berntsen wrote:

> On 11.08.11,15:30, Camaleón wrote:

>> I'm facing a curious problem when I send attachments with Mutt from
>> command line.


>> All the process works fine but some of the files are wrongly encoded
>> which results in an error when the user tries to reconstruct the big
>> file from the received attachments.
>> For instance, I've noted that properly encoded attachments appear as
>> follows:
>> ***
>> Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Disposition: attachment;
>> filename=test0014 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>> ***
>> And bad ones are like this:
>> ***
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition:
>> attachment; filename=test0015 Content-Transfer-Encoding:
>> quoted-printable ***


> What about putting the files in 2-3 zip files and send him?

That's what I do now ;-)
Let's say I have to send to him several pdf files and one application. I 
make a "tar" (or zip, or tar.bz2) with all the files and then split the 
file in small pieces of data which I send him by e-mail (remember that I 
can only send ~512 KiB on every message or they will be rejected by his e-
mail server :-/).

> Also update to mutt 1.5.21 which have many bug fixes after 1.5.18.

My main computer runs Debian lenny and won't be updated until the next 
stable release... But I can test with an udpated version of Mutt I have 
on another machine, good idea. I will post the results as soon as I can 
run the test.



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