On Fri, 06 May 2011, Jose M Vidal wrote:

I use mutt+offlineimap+msmtp
I am in a long flight, reading and replying/sending new mails, which
are stored in the draft/ folder.
As soon as I get an internet connection, I need to send those e-mails,
but as far as I know, I need to:
1. Open mutt
2. m, enter [already into Draft folder]
3. Open first postponed message, which is opened inside Vim
4. :q, y
5. Goto 2

is there any way to send all the messages without the need to open
them one by one?


I found this scripts on github,they are used to queue mails and send them
all at a later point with msmtp.

  These scripts may be useful for dialup connections: You can "send" all your
  mails offline (they will be queued by msmtp-enqueue.sh) and really send them
  all later when you are online (by running msmtp-runqueue.sh).

Here's the link:

 . O . | Djordje Todorovic [aceofknaves at G_M_A_I_L .com] | O . O
 . . O | GPG-Key: 2048R/1E133339    (http://pgp.mit.edu)   | . O O
 O O O | BFF2 1C7F A70D ECCD FA8F C946 DB32 B498 1E13 3339 | . O .

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