On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 02:38:19PM +0200, Jose M Vidal wrote:
> Hi!
> I use mutt+offlineimap+msmtp
> I am in a long flight, reading and replying/sending new mails, which
> are stored in the draft/ folder.
> As soon as I get an internet connection, I need to send those e-mails,
> but as far as I know, I need to:
> 1. Open mutt
> 2. m, enter [already into Draft folder]
> 3. Open first postponed message, which is opened inside Vim
> 4. :q, y
> 5. Goto 2
> is there any way to send all the messages without the need to open
> them one by one?

Since you're using msmtp, have you investigated the msmtpQ script that
comes bundled with it?

It queues outgoing mail when msmtp can't contact your stmp server, and
you can then configure to send the queued when you're back online. A
lightweight solution, and much simpler than running a full smtp server if
you don't otherwise need one.


Dr T. S. Cubitt
Mathematics and Quantum Information group
Department of Mathematics
Complutense University
Madrid, Spain

email: ts...@cantab.net
web:   www.dr-qubit.org

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