Hi Michael,

* Michael Ludwig on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 23:07:41 +0200
> Michael Ludwig schrieb am 10.04.2011 um 22:46 (+0200):
>> Christian Ebert schrieb am 02.04.2011 um 14:11 (+0100):
>>> https://bitbucket.org/blacktrash/muttils/
>> What would I have to do to get this to work on Windows/Cygwin?
>> By which I mean launching Windows FF, IE or chrome from Mutt in
>> Cygwin?
> Okay, I've set the BROWSER environment variable correctly, that is
> one step in the right direction.
>  export BROWSER="/cygdrive/c/Programme/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe"
> Now the script launches the message into a new tab in FF when it is
> running. Alas, the message arrives completely empty. The URL in the
> URL bar is something like:
> file:///cygdrive/c/DOKUME~1/michael/LOKALE~1/Temp/viewhtmlmsg.NZxhlF/index.html
> That is the tempdir configured in Cygwin:
> TEMP=/cygdrive/c/DOKUME~1/michael/LOKALE~1/Temp
> TMP=/cygdrive/c/DOKUME~1/michael/LOKALE~1/Temp
> That Cygwin path is wrong for a Windows app. And if you look into
> %UserProfile\lokale~1\temp, there are no files created by your
> script.
> I can change TMP and TEMP to /tmp and files aren't showing up there
> either. Ah, using -k0 the temp files aren't deleted.

--keep is set to 3 by default, you can experiment with higher
values, so your temp directory will not be clobbered.

> Now the path remains to be fixed. It should be something like:
> file:///T:/Cygwin/tmp/viewhtmlmsg.94tExP/index.html
> Looks like I'd have to modify viewhtmlmsg (which runs in Cygwin, just
> like Mutt) to use the Cygwin path notation to pass the path in Windows
> notation to Windows apps.

I have no experience with Windows whatsoever, sorry.

The problem is probably not in viewhtmlmsg.py but in the fixurl()
function in pybrowser.py which translates /some/path - in this
case the result of Python's standard tempfile.mkdtemp() + "index.html" -
into file:///some/path which apparently breaks when Windows'
drive letters get in the way.

Feel free to contact me off-list to find out whether there is
some kind of canonical or reliable way to overcome this problem.

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