Michael Ludwig schrieb am 10.04.2011 um 22:46 (+0200):
> Christian Ebert schrieb am 02.04.2011 um 14:11 (+0100):
> > * Leonardo M. Ramé on Friday, April 01, 2011 at 17:40:08 -0300
> > > 
> > > How can I let Mutt force showing the images?
> > 
> > If you're not afraid of Python you can try out viewhtmlmsg from
> > my muttils package:
> > 
> > https://bitbucket.org/blacktrash/muttils/
> What would I have to do to get this to work on Windows/Cygwin?
> By which I mean launching Windows FF, IE or chrome from Mutt in
> Cygwin?

Okay, I've set the BROWSER environment variable correctly, that is
one step in the right direction.

  export BROWSER="/cygdrive/c/Programme/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe"

Now the script launches the message into a new tab in FF when it is
running. Alas, the message arrives completely empty. The URL in the
URL bar is something like:


That is the tempdir configured in Cygwin:


That Cygwin path is wrong for a Windows app. And if you look into
%UserProfile\lokale~1\temp, there are no files created by your

I can change TMP and TEMP to /tmp and files aren't showing up there
either. Ah, using -k0 the temp files aren't deleted.

Now the path remains to be fixed. It should be something like:


Looks like I'd have to modify viewhtmlmsg (which runs in Cygwin, just
like Mutt) to use the Cygwin path notation to pass the path in Windows
notation to Windows apps.

Michael Ludwig

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