On Aug 22, 2010 at 08:11 PM +0200, Michael Ludwig wrote:
If not, you might want to look
at doing this:
macro index d "<save-message>=.Trash\n"
macro pager d "<save-message>=.Trash\n"
That should work, but you'll want to change .Trash to something else,
That works great, thanks! I think what <save-message> does is a combo of
<copy-message> and <delete-message>. Exactly what I want.
I take this a step further. I have a cronjob that goes through my Trash
maildir and moves files older than 30 days to special maildir in my system
Trash directory (I run OS X).
Anything I delete ends up in the mail Trash but I never have to routinely
clean it out since it eventually gets cycled to my real Trash. If I had to
find something older than 30 days, I can use mutt to open up the special
maildir in the system trash and look for the message I want. I only empty
my system trash every couple months, so I have a second level of trash
safety net.