Hi Ed,

ed schrieb am 22.08.2010 um 18:10 (+0100):
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 06:51:31PM +0200, Michael Ludwig wrote:
> > Can I configure Mutt to save deleted messages to another folder or
> > mbox (as GUI mail clients do) instead of simply deleting it?
> I thought that was the default behaviour?

I did not have a macro for d; I think the key is by default mapped to
<delete-message>, which implements its mission the not-kidding way.

> If not, you might want to look
> at doing this:
>   macro   index   d       "<save-message>=.Trash\n"
>   macro   pager   d       "<save-message>=.Trash\n"
> That should work, but you'll want to change .Trash to something else,

That works great, thanks! I think what <save-message> does is a combo of
<copy-message> and <delete-message>. Exactly what I want.

> I'm using Maildir style (which I found more efficient with header
> caching).

I'm sure it is. Good old mbox still good enough for me, although
sometimes I have to wait more than five seconds for large mboxes.

Michael Ludwig

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