* David Champion on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 09:19:05 -0500
> * On 29 Jul 2010, Patrick Shanahan wrote: 
>> If you put an address in the "To:" field, there will be an address there.
>> What I do when sending to a list and bcc'ing the addressees:
>> To:  Westside Soccer Fans <westsid...@wahoo.no-ip.org>
>> Bcc: WestsideSoccerFans.alias
>> The "To:" address is an alias to my local box and appears in all of the
>> list mail.  The list then understands that it is not spam for them.
> It is worth noting that there is nothing magical about
> "Undisclosed-recipients".  This is just RFC-conformant group notation,
> and you can use any similar identifier for your mail.  Group notation
> is only a way of describing a list of addresses, *even if that list is
> empty*.
> Illustrating the group notation, I have an alias similar to this in my
> .muttrc:
> alias bobs    Bobs: bobjo...@example.org, bobsm...@example.org;
> "Undisclosed-recipients:;" is just a degenerate form of the same: the
> label is "Undisclosed-recipients" and the address list is empty.  You
> can substitute "Newsletter-subscribers:;" or "Friends-and-family:;" if
> you prefer.

Oh, I didn't know this. Thank you!

\black\trash movie           _COWBOY  CANOE  COMA_
            Ein deutscher Western/A German Western

--->> http://www.blacktrash.org/underdogma/ccc.php

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