Thank you Monte and Nathan reverse_name does what i wanted.

> p.s. You didn't say what exactly happened when you tried the reply-hook
> commands you listed, but I'm guessing this sentence from the Mutt manual
> explains why they didn't do as you hoped:
>   Note: reply-hooks are matched before the send-hook, regardless of the
>   order specified in the users's configuration file.
> So I think the from= setting given in the
>   send-hook . 'set from=""'
> line will always override the one you are attempting to set in the
> reply-hook command.

exactly: i could never get it to change the from header at all. not even with
the my_hdr examples given in the manual. spending the afternoon off the
computer working in the garden i suddenly suspected what you described above.

the price for mutts configurability in my case is that i shuffle through the
many options to find the relevant things...

thanks again 


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