On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 5:44 AM, Christian Ebert <blacktr...@gmx.net> wrote:
> * peng shao on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 05:00:03 -0400

> Because you w3m -dump to standard output -- or in this case to
> Mutt's pager.
Okay I see, thanks.

> With lynx -dump? I doubt it.
I use
text/html; lynx -dump -force_html -assume-charset=%{charset}  %s;
needsterminal; copiousoutput;
in the mailcap and set autoview. Yes here I can see the [1] [2] [3]
.... next to the hyperlink. But one reason I cannot use lynx is
because I read lots of Chines emails everyday and the lynx seems to
support chinese charset very poorly :(

> text/html; w3m -F -T text/html %s; nametemplate=%s.html; needsterminal
> and do <view-attachments> (bound to "v" by default), and then,
> after selecting the html attachment <view-mailcap> (bound to "m"
> by default).
I like this very much. But for me there is still some drawback, the
%{charset} is lost :(
Is there any possibility if I set autoview as off, and when I read an
email, I can press a macro to activate autoview with a specific mime
in my mailcap. For example, when I saw an email which contains lots of
url and is in English, then I press a key K1 so the autoview of lynx
pops up, if it is in Chinese then I can use w3m autoview by key K2

Thanks a lot


> c
> --
> theatre - books - texts - movies
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