* peng shao on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 05:00:03 -0400
> Hi. I use w3m as an external program to view html mails in mutt. I
> have the following in my mailcap
> text/html; w3m -T text/html -I %{charset} -dump %s;
> nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
> This works very well for me because w3m can handle the charset problem
> very well. However, there is another problem---> if I use w3m to view
> a website directly from terminal, then the w3m will mark any contents
> which contain a url link as blue. This is very convenient. But if I
> load w3m inside mutt, then w3m doesn't mark the url link as blue.

Because you w3m -dump to standard output -- or in this case to
Mutt's pager.

> Sometimes I just missed the url in the mails my friend sent to me. I
> can use urlview but sometimes the mail itself contains lots of useless
> url. For lynx it simple mark a [number] next to the url so I can clear
> see there is a url there.

With lynx -dump? I doubt it.

> The only problem about lynx is it cannot
> handle Chinese very well so I cannot use it :( Is there anyway to make
> w3m to mark url as blue even it is loaded from mutt? Thanks.

You can pipe the message to w3m, then hit ":" (MARK_URL) and,
possibly, "L" (LIST).

Or you create an additional mailcap entry

text/html; w3m -F -T text/html %s; nametemplate=%s.html; needsterminal

and do <view-attachments> (bound to "v" by default), and then,
after selecting the html attachment <view-mailcap> (bound to "m"
by default).

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