On 2010-02-04 09:10 -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:

> I think that's because push actually pushes those commands onto a
> stack which mutt subsequently pops.  Try putting them in this order
> instead:
>     folder-hook infested 'push <limit>! ~f annoy...@gmail.com<enter>'
>     folder-hook .        'push <limit>~A<enter>'

Bingo ! Except that all the syntax shown above will get you is
"push: too many arguments" errors. Also, it turns out that the
"folder-hook ." part is not needed as Mutt resets the limit when
you change folders. Long story short, the correct incantation is :

  folder-hook infested "push '<limit>! ~f annoy...@gmail.com<enter>'"


  folder-hook infested 'push "<limit>! ~f annoy...@gmail.com<enter>"'

Thank you.

André Majorel http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/

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