On 2010-02-04, Andre Majorel <aym-t...@teaser.fr> wrote:
> On 2010-02-04 00:33 -0600, David Champion wrote:
> > Limit is a function that you bind to a key.  To tell mutt to execute
> > a function, you use the "push" command.  This emulates keystrokes by
> > "pushing" them into the keyboard input queue.
> > 
> > folder-hook .        'push <limit>~A<enter>'
> > folder-hook infested 'push <limit>! ~f annoy...@gmail.com<enter>'
> Thanks but that doesn't work. The push command works on its own
> but after folder-hook, it just makes the screen flash (visual
> bell, probably).
> I've tried various combinations of single and double quotes (push
> blah, push 'blah', 'push blah', "push blah", 'push "blah"', "push
> 'blah'") to no avail.

I think that's because push actually pushes those commands onto a
stack which mutt subsequently pops.  Try putting them in this order

    folder-hook infested 'push <limit>! ~f annoy...@gmail.com<enter>'
    folder-hook .        'push <limit>~A<enter>'


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