Since nobody jumped in so far I was looking around a bit and found something like being called

"sidebar patch".

Is it that I'm suffering from?

And does said patch get me rid from this bugging sidebar which wastes screenspace and makes
working with mutt a pain to me now?


Christoph Kukulies schrieb:
I'm running Mutt 1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14) on Ubuntu 8.04 for some time now and I'm still having problems with the characterset. Will address this issue later in a separate thread.

I downloaded the packages (apt-get) mutt-patched, muttprofile and muttprint hoping to get
(at least with the mutt-patched package) my charset issues solved.

Instead I'm getting now, when I start mutt in a putty shell (or name it xterm), anyway, something that is controlled by termcap, a view of my inbox that is indented by, say, 15 character positions with a divider bar consisting of vertical bar characters, highlighted, yellow on blue.

This looks like some "feature" but I don't know either how to switch it off nor how I can make a senseful use of it.

Any clues?


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