Le 07-01-2010, à 15:41:44 +1100, Cameron Simpson (c...@zip.com.au) a écrit :
> On 06Jan2010 13:44, steve <dl...@bluewin.ch> wrote: > | Le 06-01-2010, à 13:28:40 +0100, Toby Cubitt (ts...@cantab.net) a écrit : > | > On 06Jan2010 10:36, steve <dl...@bluewin.ch> wrote: > | > > I'd like to know if it's possible to attach files directly from the > | > > local machine. > | > > | > Since you're already using ssh tunnels, you could try using the sshfs > | > filesystem to mount your windows directories remotely on your server. > | > sshfs is available for Debian, and I believe it should be able to mount > | > directories hosted on a windows system just as easily as anything else. > | > > | > Of course, for this to work you'd have to run an ssh server on your > | > *windows* box > | > | I guess it will be difficult (read forbidden) to that at work. > > Hmm, wouldn't putty already be forbidden? Most probably, but since nothing is installed on the windows box, I guess I'm just borderline.. > You could: > put a small cygwin install on your USB key > run an sshd, _listening only on localhost_ !! (not remotely > accessible) > do a _reverse_ portforward in Putty, forwarding the local sshd > service to your home machine > run sshfs at home, connecting to the forwarded sshd service All those ideas are very interresting but demand quite a work to be usable and user-friendly. I think I'll stick to my current solution, send files by email (or sometimes by ftp). > sshfs uses the SFTP protocol, so it should be happy. Yes, but no. As I said in my last post to Toby, I couldn't manage to make it work and I don't understand why. > | > (and it would have to be visible over the network from your > | > server). But running an ssh server on your windows box might be a bit > | > easier than setting up a sambda share. > | > | So a Samba share is the only solution left? > > Only if sshfs can't be made to work: sshfs is a better solution. I use sshfs between linux boxes without any problems, but from a windows box to my debian server, no success yet. But discussing how to make it work seems to me slightly off-topic on this list. Many thanks for your help. Have a nice day, steve