On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 01:44:33PM +0100, steve wrote:
> Hi Toby,
> Thanks for your answer.
> Le 06-01-2010, à 13:28:40 +0100, Toby Cubitt (ts...@cantab.net) a écrit :
> > On 06Jan2010 10:36, steve <dl...@bluewin.ch> wrote:
> > > At work, I use mutt via a ssh tunnel (with putty). So mutt is running on
> > > my home server (Debian). Sometimes I need to attach files located not on
> > > my (remote) server but on my local windows box. So what I do is to send
> > > myself the files using my work's email account, save it on the remote
> > > server and then attach them in mutt; not the best solution but it works.
> > >
> > > I'd like to know if it's possible to attach files directly from the
> > > local machine.
> >
> > Since you're already using ssh tunnels, you could try using the sshfs
> > filesystem to mount your windows directories remotely on your server.
> > sshfs is available for Debian, and I believe it should be able to mount
> > directories hosted on a windows system just as easily as anything else.
> >
> > Of course, for this to work you'd have to run an ssh server on your
> > *windows* box
> I guess it will be difficult (read forbidden) to that at work.

Yes, I wrote that before you're follow-up post mentioning that the
windows box was at work and locked down.

> > (and it would have to be visible over the network from your
> > server). But running an ssh server on your windows box might be a bit
> > easier than setting up a sambda share.
> So a Samba share is the only solution left?

Using samba would be a sledgehammer of a solution. In any case, if
running an ssh server is forbidden/impossible, setting up a samba share
isn't going to be allowed either. (Though I suppose you could always ask
-- there's no accounting for the logic of corporate IT policy sometimes!)

The trouble is, mutt can only attach files on the local filesystem (as
far as I know). So to attach a remote file requires either transferring
the file to the computer running mutt, or some way of mounting the remote
filesystem over the network. As another poster has already pointed out,
the former can be achieved with the scp or sftp clients from the PuTTY
suite (since you can run putty, you should have no trouble running pscp
or psftp).

A remote mount is slightly more convenient, as it avoids having to first
manually copy the file across the network before attaching it. But this
is inevitably going to require some kind of server to be running on the
computer hosting the file, be it SSH, or windows itself serving a samba
share. (If you're behind a firewall and can only ssh *out*, then it also
requires some nifty ssh remote port-forwarding to tunnel a connection
*back* from your home server to your work computer.)

However, since it seems running any kind of server on your work computer
is impossible for you, you're probably better off living with
transferring the file by scp or sftp.

Dr T. S. Cubitt
Quantum Information Theory group
Department of Mathematics
University of Bristol
United Kingdom

email: ts...@cantab.net
web: www.dr-qubit.org

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