On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 04:50:56PM +0200, Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
> On 23-09-2009, at 15h 21'53", Chris G wrote about "Re: How to remove empty 
> maildir?"
> > > 
> > There's no atomic way of checking if all three sub-directories are
> > empty so, in the general case, some other process may come along
> > and put something in one of the sub-directories after you have
> > checked it but before you do the removal.
> Not if you rename them before you do the check (not tested):
The the 'other' application will either recreate them or fall in a
heap, neither of which is particularly helpful.

>  for A in all-mailboxes ; do
>      cd $A
>      mv new new-$$
>      mv tmp tmp-$$
>      mv cur cur-$$
>      if [ `find ???-$$ -type f | wc -l` -eq '0' ]; then
>            if [ -e new ] && [ -e tmp ] && [ -e cur ] ; then
>               echo "$A was empty but just right now some e-mail arrived."
>               rmdir ???-$$
>            else
>               echo "$A is empty."
>               rm -fr ../$A
>               echo "Ups, $A was empty! Now is gone..."
>            fi
>      else
>           echo "$A has mail."
>           mv new-$$ new
>           mv tmp-$$ tmp
>           mv cur-$$ cur
>      fi
>   done
> You can also turn off $sendmail when you do the check :-))
I doubt if it's just sendmail you need to turn off.

Chris Green

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